Inception of the Traditions and Culture Committee

In 2020, the Government College Ibadan Old Boys Association (GCIOBA) recognized an imperative - the need to safeguard and perpetuate the rich tapestry of traditions and culture woven into the fabric of our beloved alma mater. With the passage of time, several cherished practices had begun to fade from memory, and the essence of our school's cultural identity faced the risk of being lost. It was against this backdrop that the National Executive Council of GCIOBA took a decisive step in creating the Traditions and Culture Committee as one of its Standing Committees.

Genesis of the Committee:

The establishment of the Traditions and Culture Committee emerged from a profound sense of duty to preserve the legacy of Government College Ibadan. The National Executive Council realized that vital traditions were slipping into obscurity and this prompted the Council to envision a dedicated body that would act as the custodian of our school's cultural heritage. This proposal was approved by the Council members and thus in 2020, the Traditions and Culture Committee was formally inaugurated.

Objectives of the Committee:

1. Preservation of Rich Traditions: The primary objective of the Traditions and Culture Committee is to meticulously document and preserve the diverse traditions that define Government College Ibadan. This involves cataloging historical artifacts, oral histories, and cultural practices that have shaped the identity of our alma mater.

2. Cultural Revitalization: Beyond preservation, the Committee is committed to revitalizing forgotten traditions, breathing new life into practices that may have waned over the years. This includes organizing events and activities that reconnect the school community with its cultural roots.

3. Educational Outreach: The Committee aims to bridge generational gaps by implementing educational initiatives. Workshops, lectures, and interactive programs that are designed to impart the significance of our traditions to current and future generations of Government College Ibadan students.

Committee Composition:

Comprising passionate individuals dedicated to the cause, the Traditions and Culture Committee is a dynamic assembly of alumni with a shared commitment to the heritage of our alma mater. Appointed by the National Executive Council, these individuals bring a wealth of experience, enthusiasm, and expertise to the task at hand.

The members include:

1. Demola Majasan (1968, Swanston)

2. Rotimi Ogunjobi (1970, Carr)

3. Wale Ajomale (1971, Grier)

4. Segun Olubowale (1972, Powell)

5. Kayode Oluwagbuyi (1972 Carr)

6. Bunmi Oyefeso (1973 Sept., Grier)

7. Adewunmi Adeyemo (1973 Sept., Field)

8. Akin Adebola Tewe ( 1973 Sept., Grier)

9. Kola Yusuf (1974, Carr)

10. Pamilerin Kuyebi (1975, Powell)

11. Ayo Olaoye (1976, Swanston)

12. Bayo Adeyemo (1978, Carr)

13. Gbolahan Ogunniyi (2006, Field)

Significance of the Committee:

The creation of the Traditions and Culture Committee signifies the proactive stance of the Association in ensuring that the essence of Government College Ibadan endures through the sands of time. By acknowledging the importance of cultural preservation, the Association demonstrates a commitment to fostering a sense of continuity, pride, and identity among current and future generations of Government College Ibadan old boys.

In crafting the Traditions and Culture Committee, the National Executive Council of GCIOBA has taken a bold step toward securing the cultural heritage that binds its members together, ensuring that the flame of tradition continues to illuminate the path for years to come.